We're Here to help

Contact us today to have a Novus Representative come to your school, faculty association, parent/teacher organization or leadership group regarding media misuse and the effects of explicit material upon students.

All presentations given to students are age appropriate to resource and educate elementary, middle and high school developmental stages.   

ONE CLICK AWAY Presentations are age appropriately focused on media and social media misuse as the gateway to exposure of explicit material and the damaging effects it can have on a student's individual life, their relationships and society at large.

ONE DAY AWAY Campaigns are school-wide initiatives to engage students in taking part in one day away from media and documenting what they did instead.   (Students and faculty compete for prizes based on creativity.)

what people are saying about the novus project

"The Novus Project speakers were very informative! So much so that I wish they could speak to parents at each of our schools!" 

High School Counselor-Ventura Unified School District. 

"The Novus Project Presentation was not only illuminating but very helpful!" 

VCSCA Board Member

"The Novus Project Presentation is an amazing way to inform parents about digital citizenship for their children." 

Elementary School Counselor-Ventura Unified School District

"I am so thankful for the information I received from The Novus Project speakers. It helped me get the language I needed to talk to my kids about media usage." 

Parent-Conejo Unified School District

"Thank you Novus Project for helping me see just how much media exposure my students are living with on a daily basis."

Middle School Teacher-L.A. Unified

"The Novus Project helped me see that I need to watch how much time I'm social media and what is ok and not ok to post." 

Middle School Student-Coronado Unified School District

"As a parent I was shocked to learn about all the ways kids hide information on their smartphones. As a family, we are excited to use some of the tips The Novus Project gave us in their presentation."

Parent-San Diego Unified School District

"When our school did ONE DAY AWAY, I thought I would die without my phone for a day, but it was actually really fun to be outside with my friends and family."

Student-Living Oaks Middle School, Newbury Park